His Unshaken Love


Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed,

yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken

nor my covenant of peace be removed,”

says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10

There is an important truth you need to hear today: God’s love for you will never be shaken.

I know this is something you need to hear because I live life in the same world as you—and uncertainty can come at any time.

The loss of a loved one. A relationship that falls apart. A sudden change in health, finances, or plans you once held dear. Seasons of uncertainty and hardship come to us all, and when they do, it can feel as if the very ground beneath our feet is shifting. Even when a season of trial is not upon us, there is a constant realization in our mind that one could appear at any time.

But there is a truth that stands firm, even when everything else feels unsteady. And I want to remind you of it: God’s love for you is unshaken.

Our verse today, Isaiah 54:10 is actually a promise spoken to people who had known hardship, exile, and uncertainty. And yet, in the midst of it all, God reminds them of this profound truth: Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, His unfailing love will never be shaken.

It is a love that remains sturdy—when everything else feels uncertain.

It is a love that does not waver—even when we feel weak.

It is not a love that originates from our wandering heart—it is found in the eternal truth and faithfulness of the God who created us.

It is a love that is not dependent on circumstances, success, or even our performance.

No matter what today holds, no matter what burdens you carry, His love is holding you. Today. And again tomorrow.

So today, take a deep breath, close your eyes, open your hands, and find rest in that truth. God’s love for you is unshaken today. And it always will be.


Heavenly Father, thank You that Your love for me never wavers. Today, help me trust in Your steadfast love and find peace in Your faithfulness. Amen.