Making the Most of Every Opportunity


Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

Ephesians 5:15-17

In the book of Ephesians, the Holy Spirit calls us to a high standard. He calls us to “make the most of every opportunity.” In this passage, his exhortation is a reminder that we are called to live wisely and holy in evil days and in a fallen world. 

We are not to live carelessly, but wisdom calls us to make the most of every moment given to us—every day. “Make the most of every opportunity. The Spirit encourages us to avoid foolishness and instead understand the Lord’s will, walking in it fully.

But what does it really mean to make the most of every opportunity? At the very least, it means we take every opportunity to intentionally advance the Kingdom of God wherever and however we can. Each new day is a gift and opportunity to live out God’s will in our lives and through our lives.

Often, we think of opportunities as big, life-changing events—career decisions, major life choices, or grand acts of service. But Paul’s instruction in this passage pushes us to look harder. Making the most of every opportunity means being wise in the everyday, small moments too.

Every interaction, every conversation, every decision is an opportunity to walk wisely and to do the will of God. 

– A conversation with your child at breakfast.

– An interaction with the cashier at the supermarket.

– A text message exchanged with a friend.

– How you choose to spend the first minutes of your morning.

– What you watch or listen to as you wind down in the evening.

– How you choose to spend the leftover dollars at the end of the month.

These might seem insignificant on the surface, but each of these moments is an opportunity to reflect God and advance His kingdom. These are opportunities to be wise, to live out the will of the Lord in both our words and actions.

Let’s be intentional today in every opportunity. Let’s ask the Lord to show us how to make the most of these opportunities—no matter how big or small. This is where wisdom takes us.


Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus and the opportunity to follow you. It is a privilege and honor to do so. Help me to see it that way—and grant me the strength through your Spirit to live it out in every circumstance and every opportunity. Amen.