The Promise of His Wisdom


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

James 1:5

There is a helpful, but too easy to overlook verse in the book of James. It contains an incredibly simple, life-changing promise.

If you ask God for wisdom, He will give it to you generously.

What an unbelievable promise and reality about life! We can have wisdom, any of us… we just need to ask for it.

Who among us doesn’t want to be wise? I mean, don’t we all want wisdom? And as much as we can possibly get?

But when was the last time you asked God for it?

If you’re like most, you probably can’t even remember the last time you asked for it. But the promise is right there—you will receive it if you ask God for it.

I suppose the reasons why we don’t ask God for wisdom more frequently would be worthy of exploration. We don’t think we need it… our life seems to be fine without it… we get distracted watching television… we’re not asking God for anything really… or we didn’t even realize the promise was available to us.

But for now, this isn’t a conversation about why we don’t ask God for wisdom.

This is simply a call to do it.

When you lay your head on your pillow this evening, ask God in faith to give you wisdom. There’s simply no reason not to. You’ve got everything to gain, and nothing to lose.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your generosity. Help me to be humble and to remember to ask for your guidance. May I always seek your wisdom. Amen.